
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my site. I’m Annalise Johnson, but you might have already figured that part out…

Super Important Things About Me

COFFEE ORDER: Chai latte/almond milk/single shot
FAVORITE SOUND: The TIE fighters from Star Wars
DREAM JOB: Pattern Library Designer

“Please select your difficulty level”

I’m honestly not that great of a gamer, things mostly kill me or eat me. However, I love games, and this is a fun way to sort my skill/confidence with the following programs.

PS, if you aren’t a gamer, all you need to know is I’m pretty fantastic at the crucial Adobe programs and am learning new stuff all the time. I can’t stop enrolling in classes..

*walks away humming “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” by Daft Punk*


Received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design in 2008 and have been designing ever since in some capacity. Fond of line art, san serif typefaces, and mashing things together that normally shouldn’t “work”.

Today I Am…

…working through classes for CSS, Javascript, and Adobe XD while juggling freelance and a full-time job. Yee-heckin-haw, I tell you what! Searching out new opportunities to expand my design “vocabulary” every day. Drop me a note below if you would like to discuss a project or would like a bid for some work. Thanks!